The Undivided Self


The Undivided Self


The Personality Paradigm of ‘me,’ ‘Myself,’ and ‘I’ which is used throughout The Undivided Self is simplistic, practical, and applicable.  The first goal of the text is to convince the reader that internal divisions do exist and that eliminating any of the individual parts is impossible.  After a formal introduction to, and an in-depth examination of, ‘me,’ ‘Myself,’ and ‘I,’ the reader will find it easy to recognize and relate to each of the three identities.  The second goal is to create a conviction within the reader that remaining a divided self is illogical and undesirable.  Both reason and reflections on past experiences will serve as evidence that the ‘me’ and ‘Myself’ personalities, driven by fear, are doomed to a reality filled with lack, loss, and longing; but, driven by Love, the Self Actualized ‘I’ creates a life filled with abundance, acceptance, and achievements.  The third and final goal is getting the reader committed to living an Authentic, Love-filled, and Purpose-driven Life.  Through a 3-step integration process, involving the Awareness, Acceptance, and Alignment of all three identities, The Undivided Self reconnects the reader with their Authentic Loving Self - which allows them to experience the physical stability they desire externally and the emotional and mental stability they long for within.  This invaluable source of enlightenment:

·        proves that the Purpose of our personalities is to expose, and provide us with the opportunities to experience, Who We Really Are…,

·        promises that our greatest Power lies within Our True Identity – When we consistently choose to align with Love and refuse to be consumed or defined by fear, we are able to reach our greatest potential in reality by becoming The Undivided Self in Actuality… and

·        provides the tools for transforming Who We Are and the world we live in.         

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Does life sometimes seem like one emotional roller coaster ride after another?

Are you often consumed by negative thoughts that force you to relive the past, fear the future, and dwell on everything that is wrong in the present?

Do your behaviors regularly fall short of your good intentions and block you from the success and happiness you desire?

Have you ever felt ‘broken’ and disconnected from your greatness. 

The good news is – You Are Not!

Truth is, Who You Really Are, your Authentic and Loving I, is forever experiencing the emotional, mental, and physical stability that comes from knowing Itself as Love and is patiently waiting for you to embrace your power to align Who You Are - with who you are being in each moment so you can live a more joyful, purposeful, and love-filled Life. 

Through a 3-step integration process, involving the Awareness, Acceptance, and Alignment of all three identities, The Undivided Self awakens the reader to the presence and purpose of their personalities, reunites them with their Authentic Self, and teaches them how to reach their full potential so they can experience the life they desire and deserve.